Every Problem has a gift for you in its hands

"Every Problem has a gift for you in its hands."
Richard Bach
How did we get to the point where we think all problems are bad? Maybe that problem when solved will be a gift for us. How we handle those problems either builds our integrity or has us losing our integrity.
Our job in Outreach/Home schooling has us solving hundreds of problems a day. Do we solve them with honor in a calm, cool, quiet way? Things go wrong in the school, how do we approach that problem? Is it in a calm, cool manner which has us keeping our integrity?
It's impossible to do it all the time however 99% of the time is a good stat.
Recently, a young couple, who are expecting in spring, came to me with their problem of being kicked out of their house in a month. I had them think of reasons why being out of their current home would be good. ie: no fighting, calm, no stuff going missing, could keep the place clean. Next, we thought of the three options, (all of which required them to be employed). They left with three options to their problem all of which included continuing with schooling. Now this couple aren't problem free, however it was important not to match their anxiety, upset and worry. Moving out may save their relationship with family, it may make them grow up and get to work, it may make them be appreciative of all that has been given to them. Fingers crossed they are learning how to approach their problem in a calm, cool way, seeking the gift in their problem.
Anne- Monday- High Level morning- Rainbow PM.
Tuesday- High Level- 2:00 leave for GP.
Leaving Wednesday to Nashville for the Equity in Classroom conference. Return the next Wednesday- November 7th.
Diploma Notes
I sent out that supervision schedule, please read it to see if it is okay.
Diplomas should have arrived at your location if they haven't arrived please call me.
Dexter will give us a bunch of sign in codes and we will make sure everyone knows how to get a students on who is writing digitally.
Supervising an exam is a wonderful time to correct, go over your courses, catch up!
Chad is acting principal while I am away. Forward any questions to him. His cell is 780 821 0586

What's happening this week?
Thursday is a staff meeting day schools are closed at 2:00. Please post that in your school. Each staff will stay at their own location. Jennifer and Jenine this is catch up time for you ladies. Other staff, this is catch up time too... Was there a problem that needed figuring out calmly? Use this time to your advantage.
Friday PD day
Support staff have PD at Spirit.
Some staff are supervising diplomas
Other staff are catching up with their work, getting a ahead would be nice too;
preparing for report cards, making sure all entries are in, looking over courses you want to fix.
Please go for lunch on this day and have one person put it on the credit card stating Staff PD.
Monday, Tuesday,Wed more diplomas.

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