Good Morning

Did you catch that gorgeous sunrise this morning??
This is Norah Jones' Sunrise. 
Can you guess where these sunrises are from? 

It's been a gorgeous weekend. Hope you went outside to enjoy it. I sure did with an attempt to put up Christmas Lights. Of course, we hit a snag,( ha,ha snag like in tangled Christmas lights, is it funny if you have to explain it? maybe not!)) many lights were burnt out. However the type of light we have, can't be found anywhere. Sooooooo that means we need to buy new ones. What a disposable world we live in... Our kids have grown up in this disposable world, it's no wonder they have some of the views they do. Phone breaks get a new one... lose my jacket, get a new one.... Lose a module, get a new one... I'm going to try to be less wasteful and I'm going to keep searching for that weird type of Christmas light before I throw them away. 

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Thanks so much to:

Bonnie for doing many jobs over the passed two months. She has been training everyone, including me. We appreciate her time and efforts to get us all swimming in the same direction. 

Chad thanks for hauling things to La Crete for me. I feel like  a donkey most days and
Chad has assisted with some of those chores. We do appreciate Chad being here on Fridays it helps with the workload. Students enjoy having him as a teacher. 

Thanks to Allan who did a Learner's License workshop with me. No one has passed yet, but they are getting close. You will hear Allan and I cheer when they do pass. 

Thanks to Alex and Eva who have been training Linda and Annelise in La Crete and Jennifer in Fort. We appreciate your time and efforts over the passed two months. I know it's like herding cats some days but we are catching on. 

Thanks to Chris and Jenine for handling Rainbow students so well. The student's needs are looked after and they will get through those tough courses with the help of Jenine and Chris. 

Thanks to you all for participating in catch up week this week. This is the week we get ALL CAUGHT UP!!!! Let me know if you need anything. 

Thanks to Alex for volunteering to be there this Saturday for our Iron Chef team. Alex is an excellent cook. The perfect person for this. 

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This week we are so happy to have Holly back working with us. Sorry Holly for the pile of stuff. Bonnie tried her best. You were so missed. We know you'll be looking for normalcy, well our normalcy is contained chaos, so welcome back to the nuthouse my dear. Hugs to you! 

Bonnie is out Monday and Tuesday. 


Monday- High Level am- Perhaps Chateh pm
Tuesday- High Level- Holly comes back yeah!  
Wednesday- La crete all Day CRM testing- Home Ed 
Thursday-Fort Vermilion am perhaps all day- trying to get a student to come in
Friday- High Level maybe La Crete am

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What's Happening this week- This week is being called CATCH UP WEEK

We are doing everything we can to get caught up with marking, with student contacts, with paperwork, with life. This is the week where it will get done then we can breathe and welcome report card time. 

Thank you to those who did up their PGP and sent it to me. 

Education Plans and results review are due this week as well as budgets. When it rains it.......

Presentation to the board- In November we are presenting to the board. Do you have any ideas for this???? 

Have a great catch up week. If you get caught up please extend a hand to someone else and see if they can get caught up too. 

November 2nd is PD day for support staff at Spirit of The North. Soon a PD schedule will come out.

Diplomas were shipped last week. Thank goodness it's not with Canada Post. They started their rotating strike today. My hopes are that the diplomas will arrive today so I can start distribution. Teachers it is your duty to make sure your students are aware of the dates and are prepared for these tests. Check your diploma lists please. 

Nashville- Wanting to pre warn you that I am going to Nashville from Oct 31 to Nov 6. The conference is about Equity in the classroom. I am so looking forward to being inspired and I am hunting for new ideas! There is no doubt I am going to hear a country tune or two maybe I'll learn to like country music!  

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