Everyone Has A Story

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Dr. Jody Carrington reiterated with us that everyone has a story. If we took the time to build relationships, we might get to hear that story. If you missed that PD, please go on You Tube and catch some of her teachings. Many of us really enjoyed her talk and will continue to focus on building relationships in our schools. We are all educators, she said there should be at least one person in the school who has that child's heart. One person that the child really likes and who really likes that child. If you aren't the one, find someone who can connect with that kid. 

She said, "Joy was our most vulnerable emotion." We don't let ourselves be joyful for very long. We look for things to go wrong. Just enjoy joyful moments for what they are, it's okay to be joyful. Just as it's okay to grieve and be sad.

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Thank you 

Thank you for sitting for 6 hours in those uncomfortable chairs and listening to both speaker's messages. We know we can learn a little something from everyone. Thanks for your time. 

Thank you to all our staff who drive from school to school. It's not easy. We appreciate the time you put in the vehicle. Please do up your mileage claims and send them to us. 

Thanks so much to Bonnie for organizing the final numbers for us. We are sitting at 165 Learning Store students. We are up 40 students from last year. Those students are not coming from only the High Schools they seem to be coming from all over. And surprise, they are doing the work!

Thanks to Bonnie, Holly, Jenine and Eva for herding cats this year. They kept us organized, helped kids, and got staff through the most difficult month, September. I know we asked you ladies lots of questions and thanks for your patience. 

Thanks so much to Chad and Liz. They have been handling 96 registrations for the Home Education program. Chad ran a great parent meeting last week. What a great group of people that is. 

Thanks so much to everyone for managing to learn as much as you have in just twenty days. What you know now, compared to what you knew one month ago is astounding! Thanks for not losing it and for powering through. Thanks to our OLD staff who assisted our newbies in learning the ropes!! You are great mentors. 

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Alex is out today. He is returning from his conference. Hopes are he will have lots of info for us. 

 I go to Zama sometime today.
Tuesday- High Level am Rainbow PM. 
Wednesday- Fort Vermilion for LTM- If it ends early I will go to Fort Learning Store.
Thursday- Staff meeting in High Level.- mileage will be paid and extra hours for support staff as well. 
Friday- High Level- I teach 

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Things to Do.

Teachers your professional growth plans are due in a week. 
This will not cause you worry. It is easy and it is for you. It will take you half an hour to do. Please sned it to me when complete. 

Student contacts- each of you have students that you are required to make contact with weekly, Then update our student contact sheets. Accurate data here is very, very important. 

Diploma sittings- we should know if a student is writing a diploma in November. Each teacher should look over their list of kids and confirm that they are registered. If   a student requires accomodations you would be arranging those accomodations/special materials through me. 

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