Give thanks

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Hoping you all had a lovely weekend and you were able to indulge in some tasty treats. I started walking again in the mornings because of those treats. My best treat was rocking my grandbaby River to sleep several times over the weekend. 

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Staff Wellness

It's important that we are well, so we can help our families and the students. Our school division does have access to a Counselor/psychologist, his name is Willard. All staff can access his services. I will post his contact in a separate email. Please know that we would do anything for you (okay within parameters) your wellness matters to us.   

Please remember we are on a short week here, 4 days. I always say these are the weeks to get things done. To catch up with student contacts, to catch up with marking, inputting marks, organizing.... Love these weeks. 

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Thank yous

Thank you to Chad for assembling some Learner's License materials for Allan and I. We are teaching the course on the 18th. This is not for credit but looks great on that student's resume! 

Thank you to Liz from home education who is managing all that beginning of the year paperwork. It is a mound and she handles it with grace. 

Thank you to all of you who made the trek to High Level for our staff meeting. It was so needed. Touching base with each other is crucial to our schools. Today my list of things to do, arrange and schedule is going to be very, very long. Thanks again for celebrating successes and outlining areas we need to grow in.

Thanks to Chris and Linda who have been searching out teacher's manuals. We are getting on track and will keep ordering until we have them all. Thanks.   

Celebration- Gaye our very steady volunteer at the High Level Learning Store had a birthday yesterday. Please wish her a happy birthday when you see her. 

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Holly is out this week- We send hugs to her. Her son Luke is up. It is lovely having your kids around in these times. 


Tuesday-High level- Fort PM
Wednesday- Rainbow w Chris
Thursday- La Crete w Chris for powerschool training
Friday- High Level working on Both schools budgets.

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Things you need to know

We will be handing out forms for support staff to sign acknowledging the change in policy regarding sick leave. Chad gave a summary on this at our staff meeting. 

CRM meetings will take place in each location this week. 

Diploma seatings- teachers you should know who is wanting to take the diploma in November. If they need accomodations you will contact me. 

Not much else to add that hasn't been said at our staff meeting.

Enjoy your short week.

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