So spring, summer, winter, fall....

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You had to enjoy the weather this weekend. We lit our first fire of the year. No fire bans in October! It's the first time in the passed two months, that I have walked and needed to shed a layer! Get outside its gorgeous! Enjoy it.

We will enjoy the good mood that comes with this weather. Our students will be happier, perhaps getting more sleep. Sleep is crucial! Jody Carrington says the two questions/statements are: Tell me more, what happened next? add this question, how are you sleeping? One of our students told me he is having real trouble sleeping and had only slept three hours in two days. He says he spends all his time trying to get to sleep. To be well, sleep is needed. 

Each school has access to mental health workers. The process is that we fill out a referral form then the team evaluates the situation and if need be, assigns a team member to our student. Chat with me and we will wrap around our students. 

We  realize that you need to be well, there are options for you as well. The division has Willard a Psychologist who travels here from Edmonton. To make an appointment call 780 914 8115. His services are free paid for by the school division. Sometimes all you need is one appointment, sometimes more. It is important to us that you are well.

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Thinking of Holly, Luke and Jason 

Spent a nice evening with Holly and Luke on Friday. Today we will send out flowers from all of us. Rick will be buried in New Brunswick this summer. Holly will be out for a while yet. 

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Huge thanks to Alex for helping to teach us about powerschool and to get the weightings aligned with the divisions guideline. His is a calm cool teacher who has been instrumental in helping out all our new teachers this year. Thanks tons Alex!  

Thanks to Chad who is picking up some marking for Alex and Allan and  is helping students out in High Level on Fridays. 

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Monday- High Level- Tea at Ten Mental Health session
Tuesday- maybe Zama???
Wednesday- La Crete AM- Fort PM
Thursday- High Level- doing driver's training session for students with Allan. 
Friday- La Crete- CRM meeting

Will be testing two students in La Crete this week. 

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What's Happening this Week

* soon we will be presenting to the board of trustees on behalf of Learning Stores. Do you have any great ideas about that? How do we let those trustees know what we do? 

* Our Drive is driving us crazy!!!! Next week we will plan a PD day where our mission is to uncomplicate, organize and improve the drive for everyone. We will have a process for naming files, we will attach keys, we will try to get a bit more continuity between schools.  (however we realize the varied needs in each school.)

* Budgets have been released and we got 4000 more than last year. Any areas where you see a need for expenditures? I will be finalizing that budget this week.

* Support staff acknowledgement of Sick Leave Changes form needs to be signed and sent in to me today. I will scan it to you and if you could send it back today I would appreciate that. 

* Student contact sheet- this must be kept up to date. You have kids you are to contact weekly, if we don't see them. In a conversation with a parent last week she told me she drops her son off at school each day. Problem is, he never comes into school. Our data showed he had only been in for an hour. That data helped the mom get the whole story and helped us, as she was  blaming...  We do need to keep parents in the loop, let parents know what is going with their child, that is if they are under the age of 18. We don't tattle on kids we give data.

* Inactive letters-  when students have not handed in work within a one month period we send out an inactive letter. Soon those letters will go out. 

*Grad letters-  soon we will send out grad letters outlining courses students need to complete to graduate. 

* I'm going to Nashville on Tuesday Oct 30 at 2:00. I will return Wednesday Nov 7th. I'm attending my first conference ever. The theme is champions for Equity and I'm excited to hear some great speakers who have overcome poverty in their school communities. I will share my new knowledge with you at our next staff meeting. Chad will be acting admin while I am away. 

Have a super week. Last week was beyond busy and we only worked four days!!
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