
Showing posts from 2017

Thank You For Being You

Seriously, I want to thank you for hanging in there. The long days of winter are here. There is an energy differential between us and the kids. You have so much on your own "to do" lists. I want to thank you for having grace and continuing to be positive influencers in our schools. I recognize it is not always easy, but you make it look easy, that is because you are excellent at what you do!  Thank you  Huge thank you to Bonnie for ordering a fabulous birthday cake for just a few of us to enjoy. ( It was so good) Stupid rain! Thanks to Bonnie as well for ordering the fabulous Christmas gifts you will all soon receive. She's got fabulous taste and we all benefit from that!  Thanks to you all for the most lovely, big, black bag I unwrapped on Friday. I must have whined numerous time about my previous bag being stolen out of my vehicle. I almost cried when I opened the box. What a meaningful gift... Thank you so very, very, very ,much! I promise to lock my car

Bad Weather Always Looks Worse Through A Window

Bad Weather Always Looks Worse Through a Window- that is the quote I am reading on my calendar. Today that is not the case, it is treacherous out there if you are walking anywhere. Please be careful, our goal is to get to Christmas without any bumps, slips or falls.  ( sounds like a seniors message but it is for everyone!)  This is the time of year, I remind you that not everyone loves the holidays like we might. For many of our kids, it is a time they have to spend at home and they would rather be at school. They have little to look forward to over Christmas, they would rather sleep through this season and wake up in January. Well to do families have break downs over Christmas as well.  We need to be cognizant of these feelings when we ask what are your plans for Christmas?  Will you be spending Christmas with your family? Just be aware that all our conversations do not have to center around the holiday.  Thank you to those who have made your schools look festive. That is re

Compliments Work Wonders

Just an example of how communicating with this kid went: text one: Hi D was hoping you'd come in today. You got so much done a few weeks ago.  No response. text two: Not sure what you are up to today. It's a good day to come start with some modules. No response text three: Hi D, lots of students dropping by the school today. Drop in and we will get you started on some modules.  No response text four: When you don't hand in work for 30 days we send out an inactive letter. I sure don't want to send one out to you. Come in and we will start you with some modules.  No response text five: Hey there D, great news We are doing your credit count and you have 25. You earned a free hoodie. Come on in to get your free hoodie. Mrs. Isaacs has it for you.  Response: That is sweet! Thanks. I should be in on Monday to get more work.  All I can think of is that my tone changed then he was ready to communicate. Telling a student they got a good mark on a module is a g

Where will we put the snow?

Buses were canceled today. The snow in my backyard is up past my knees. My question is, where will I shovel the rest of the snow that is coming this winter? I am already throwing it into huge banks. I guess this is an eastern world problem, in the west. I recall snowbanks five feet high as a kid in Ontario. Once, we were stranded at school and slept there, free fries were the highlight of our stay. So, western winter don't you worry... some of us have seen the likes of you... It will just be a great exercising year!  Huge thanks to everyone who does snow removal at all of our locations. They have been very, very busy. Thanks Thank yous- thanks to the staff who held parent-teacher interviews last week. We had two parents into High Level, three sets of parents in Blue Hills, none in La Crete but I will do a better job of letting parents know next time. In Zama, we had one meeting with two parents about three kids! Now isn't that cool.  Thanks to Holly, Eva and the

Bad Times have a scientific value

 I woke up at 8:13 today.I knew something was up when it when opened my eyes and it was daylight!  I am usually at work at 7:40. Not today!  When I get to work my calendar for November 20th says: Bad times have a scientific value... We learn geology the morning after the earthquake.  So I have learned I'm going to set the clock myself, and not rely on others ( Steve!) I have ordered a new phone that holds a charge for more than two hours. There it is, I have learned the geology a few hours after the earthquake.  Than ks so much Thanks so much to you all who had a hand in putting out the report cards last week. We put out reports we are proud of. They had meaningful comments and showed the progress of the students. Thanks again.  Thanks to Bonnie, Gaye, Connie and their devoted crew who collected toys for the Christmas hampers through a crafty weekend fundraiser. They collected $2000 dollars worth of toys at the door and will be shopping for another $5300. This fu


What a great saying! Heard it on a show last night and connected with it. Hope you will as well.  Celebrations Eric is having a special birthday today! We have hidden golf balls in our school so people will be bringing them to him all day ( maybe all year) to say Happy Birthday.  Enjoy your day Eric!! One of our High Level students gave birth on diploma day. She had a gorgeous healthy baby boy named Harlan, 8lbs 4 ozs.  Zama students handed out Halloween treats to members of the community. They visited homes of people in need.  It was great service learning for them.  Staffing Short week this week Anne-  Meeting with central office at 12:30 today.  Tuesday is LTM in Fort Wednesday staff meeting day I am in Fort and La Crete. Everyone is doing there own thing on staff meeting day as we will meet on Nov 9th during the collaborative sessions. It is a great chance for us all to be together. That is rare. Hope you signed up for them if not, there is still time to do th

A wise person hears one word and understands two

Had a chance to speak to a student a month ago, he'd had a little run-in with the law, and he has missed some important deadlines. In our meeting, I asked a simple question, " Are you working?" The answer was, "No." I then asked, "So if you aren't working, what have you been doing with your time?" The answer was,"  X-Box." That short response meant so much, he told me he has a problem and can't break away from it. He told me it was more important than looking after his legal problems. He told me he has an addiction and maybe more addictions.When we listen beyond words we can hear so much more... I think we are all learning that as we delve more deeply, into relationship building and making contact with our students.  " A wise person hears one word and understands two." ( Jewish Proverb)  Congratulations Congratulations to Darren and Desirea ( I'm sorry for the misspelling). Dekayla is home now and is having

Ravens Catch Snowflakes

The other day I walked toward the school and spotted a raven on the roof. I stopped for a minute to watch the huge snowflakes falling. It was such a gorgeous snowfall, you know the type I am speaking of. I looked back up at Mr. Raven and saw him putting his head up to the sky, opening his beak wide to catch snowflakes. I stood and watched for about two minutes, how cool is that.  If a raven can stop to have a little fun in a day, so can we.  Enjoy your week! If it snows, stop for a moment to catch snowflakes on your tongue, just like our northern buddies the Ravens! Congratulations Welcome to the world Dekayla Autumn Froese. Dekayla was born on Oct 22 at 9:39. She is 8lbs 4ozs and 20 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great!! Congratulations Darren, Desirea, and boys. Such a celebration!   Staffing Anne- Monday- High Level  Tuesday- High Level-am- Rainbow Lake pm Wednesday- Fort/ La Crete Thursday- teaching digital citizenship- HL Friday- Zama La Crete Darre

Just a Little Survey...

The things you find out if you just ask... We had a family meeting in High level on Thursday night. 6 people showed. In a survey at the end, we asked. Why do you want your child to graduate? The prevalent answer was to make the family proud then to achieve a successful career.   To make the family proud.... That is great info for us. When we speak to kids that may be our in... your graduating will make your family so proud. If bit makes us proud imagine how it makes the family feel! We are so lucky to be involved with students at the end of their schooling!! Thank yous I thank you all for a lovely start to the school year. Numbers are way up from last year except for Zama. But I always dream that a family of 10 will move in! We are lovely busy not bad busy!! That is good.  Thank you to Bonnie and Holly who have begun a nutrition morning breakfast and hot lunch schedule. Our hopes are to instill healthy eating and life skills.  Thank you to Darren who started the Google